Detailed Reporting and Analysis
My Lesson Planner helps teachers and principals with the documentation and accountability requirements of today's standards-based classrooms. The reports are highly customizable and detailed.
These are just some of the many reports available:
Standards Used
Standards Not Used
Progress Monitoring
Lesson Plan Details for Principals
Component Usage
Standards Used and Not Used Reports
My Lesson Planner helps teachers to track their standards usage. The Standards Used Reports shows all the standards that have been used in lesson plans and links back to the lesson plans where they were taught. This report is instrumental when teachers are dis-aggregating state assessment data and adjusting instruction plans or comparing notes with other teachers.
The Standards Not Used Report is used primarily to guide lesson planning throughout the year, helping teachers insure their curriculum is covered before the end of the year.
All Standards Usage Reports can be customized to the teacher's or principal's individual needs regarding the time span and the grade level, subject, or strand that is to be included in the report.

Progress Monitoring Reports
When teachers are monitoring progress, they need detailed reports for their documentation. These colorful reports have student pictures and include all the details of the tiered intervention strategies, assessments, and notes regarding progress. My Lesson Planner builds your graphs and charts for you, so you can concentrate on the details of determining adequate progress and planning for interventions.
Principal's Lesson Plan Detail Report
Principals who have school accounts can utilize the Lesson Plan Detail Report. This report shows the details of all lesson plans for all teachers or a specific teacher, for a specified period of time. Teachers no longer have to "turn in" their lesson plans. Go "green" with My Lesson Planner!